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Showing posts with label Bisnis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bisnis. Show all posts

Friday, 26 August 2016

Payung Pintar Kafya Yang Memiliki Berbagai Fitur Canggih Dan Dapat Menyerap Energi Matahari

Payung biasanya digunakan oleh sabagian orang untuk berlindung dari air hujan dan terik matahari, namun berbeda dengan payung pintar Kafya yang satu ini. Payung yang terlihat sekilas sama dengan payung normal lainnya, ternyata mampu memberikan kelebihan dan fasilitas yang cukup canggih seperti :
  • GPS
  • Kipa Angin Kecil
  • Senter 
  • Charger
Karena pada payung pintar Kafya ini memiliki kelebihan yang dapat menyerap energi matahari menjadi energi listrik (Panel Surya). Selain itu, payung unik ini memiliki fitur GPS yang dapat terhubung dengan perangkat smart phone anda. Payung ini juga dilengkapi dengan kipas angin kecil yang dapat membuat udara diatas kepala pengguna menjadi sejuk.

Co Founder Smart Umbrella, Kamel Badawi menyatakan dengan adanya payung pintar kafya ini sangat membantu para jamaah Haji, oleh karena itu memiliki hak paten merupakan tujuan utama yang ingin dicapai, kemudian mencari special supervision agar dapat membantu dalam proses pemasaran.

Kamel berharap agar Kafya dapat dinikmati siapapun, Bukan hanya sebagai produk haji eksklusif.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Mulai Dari Bisnis Kain Kafan Hingga Batik Yang Membuat Wanita Muda ini Menjadi Milyader

Sally Giovanny adalah seorang pengusaha sukses diusia yang masih muda. Wanita muda dan cantik ini adalah seorang wanita yang berasal dari keluarga broken home. Singkat cerita Sally Geovanny kemudian menikah dan memulai usaha dengan modal yang ia dapatkan dari hadiah pernikahan. Berawal dari jualan kain kafan hinga kain batik. Perlu diketahui bahwa tak semudah itu menjadi seorang pengusaha sukses seperti Sally sekarang ini yang sudah memiliki 10 outlet dan 1 mall besar sekitar 1,5 hektar dikota cirebon.

Awal berbisnis beneran, Sally butuh waktu beradaptasi hingga benar- benar berbisnis batik. Yah Sally adalah pengusaha batik Trusmi yang terkenal itu loh. Diawal dia mengaku bisnis batik bermodal Rp.35 jutaan. Yang mana merupakan hasil sumbangan pernikahannya dulu.

Ia merasa beruntung karena menikahi lelaki hebat. Sosok Ibnu meski 18 tahun, memiliki visi juga dibidang kewirausahaan. Keduanya kemudian berbisnis jualan kain mori. Inilah cikal- bakal bisnis batik Sally dimulai dari menjualkan kain mori kepada pembatik. Langsung dibawanya dari pabrikan kain ke sentra- sentra batik.

Sally menjadi suplier buat pengrajin batik Cirebon. Kain putih tersebut memang dijadikan kain batik. Namun dia menyadari menjadi suplier mori cuma gitu- gitu aja. Dia melihat banyak kain mori tersisa tidak terjual. Ia dan Ibnu lantas mendekati pengrajin batik tersebut.

Keduanya memintakan seorang pengrajin membatikan. Tolong dibuatkan desain di sisa mori jualan mereka. Ia sendiri kemudian menjajakan batik Cirebon tersebut. Melihat peluang di kota Jakarta lebih besar. Sally memutuskan memasarkan batik Cirebon ke Pasar Tanah Abang.

Dia pergi bersama suami ke Jakarta bermodal nekat. Bayangkan agar menghemat akomodasi, keduanya itu sepakat berangkat jam 12 pagi, sampai di Jakarta istirahat di pom bensi ataupun masjid. Ketika pasar buka, bukannya menyewa porter, Sally meminta sang suami mengangkut berkarung batik Cirebon sampai ke atas.

Dia meminta Ibnu sendiri memanggul berkarung batik. Masuk ke Tanah Abang, mereka harus menelan satu kekecewaan; batiknya tidak laku! Alasan penjual disana karena sudah memiliki suplier besar. Bukan seperti mereka yang baru saja berbisnis sendiri. Untuk membalik keadaan mereka membuat desain lebih unik.

Mereka membuat desain berbeda dari umumnya. Bersyukur batik karya Sally akhirnya dibeli meskipun tidak banyak. Ia lantas mengenang perlakuan salah satu penjual di sana, "saya coba dulu ya dan bayarnya pake giro, alias dibayar 3 bulan kemudian." Katanya sih begitulah cara pembayaran diterapkan di Tanah Abang.

Sally pun menego agar dibayar tunai. Namun sebagai catatan harga jual diturunkan Rp.1000 per- kainnya. Ia tidak putus asa malah semakin semangat. Bermodal untung sedikit diputarkan menjadi modal kembali. Dia lantas mengajak suami membuka toko sendiri.

Uang Rp.15 juta dibayarkan buat membuat toko sendiri. Ada dua pilihan membuka toko: Memilih buat toko besar namun masuk ke perkampungan. Atau membuka toko kecil di tempat strategis. Keputusan ini diambil dan kedua dipilih jadilah satu toko kecil di pusatnya keramaian.

Mereka membuka di kawasan sentra jualan batik. Mereka menyulap sebuah rumah di Jalan Trusmi Kulon no. 129 menjadi pusatnya. Sebuah rumah disulap menjadi galeri batik bernama Batik IBR. Wanita kelahiran 25 September 1988 ini, hanya memiliki dua karyawan awalnya, beruntung ketika batik lantas jadi booming besar!

Memulai Bisnis Trusmi

Berawal membeli kain mori di pabrik, Sally menjualkan ke pengrajin batik Cirebon. Dia membeli kainnya per- meter. Mana lagi kain mori dibeli Sally itu tipis. Alhasil untung dihasilkan Sally sangat sedikit dan punya resiko besar tidak laku. Membuat batik sendiri menjadi siasat ia mendapatkan untung lebih.

Salain itu, dia dan sang suami merekasakan ketertarikan akan pola batik. Keduanya setuju buat berguru ke seorang pengrajin batik. Mereka menjalin kerja sama mau dibuatkan batik Cirebon. "Saya banyak belajar. Kemudian bermitraan dengan pembuat batik," pungkasnya.

Perbandingan berjualan batik dan kain kafan keliatan. Bayangkan jika dia menjual 36 meter kain polos hanya untung Rp.10.000. Jika pengrajin sudah mengolah maka 2 meter untung Rp.5000. Dia mulai membuat desain batik sendiri. Pertama kali membatik dia membuat batik cap kemudian batik tulis khas Cirebon.

Profesionalitas Sally diuji bukan sekedar untung. Wanita mualaf berjilbab ini tidak mau setengah. Mendalami batik dia memproduksi cap dan batik. Melewati jalan panas, berdebu, keringat bercucuran, Sally mampu masuk ke pasar Jakarta, Bandung, dan Surabaya.

Toko batik dibuka dia dan Ibnu berukuran kecil. Dan "sialnya" mereka membuka didepan toko batik besar. Mereka terbiasa melihat banyak pengunjung datang ke depan. Tidak cuma orang tetapi mobil berjejer di depan toko tersebut. Mereka kalah dari luas toko bahkan jumlah koleksi batiknya.

Bukannya minder Sally malah penasaran, apasih kelebihan mereka?

Kelebihan batik miliknya adalah juga menyasar pasar anak muda. Dan ketika batik booming tidak salah jika usahanya makin diminati. Menurutnya semua karena Cirebon mulai menjadi kota wisata. Nama batik asli dari Cirebon menggema ke seantero Indonesia.

Sukses Sally selain melakukan diferentsiasi, adalah keputusan menggunakan nama Trusmi. Nama daerahnya ini diubah menjadi brand -nya sendiri. Nama Trusmi sendiri juga merupakan kepanjangan "Terus Bersemi". Yang meniru gaya Batik Malioboro, yang mana mengambil nama dimana tempatnya bertempat tinggal.

Mulai batik formal sampai buat santai. Nama Trusmi menjelma menjadi ikon Kota Cirebon. Sayangnya tidak semulus dibayangan ketika mulai naik daun. Dia pernah ditipu justru ketika tengah tenar. "Semua pengusaha punya jatah gagal," optimisnya. Baginya setiap orang punya hak berusaha.

"Kita tinggal meningkatkan kualitas," imbuhnya. Sally lebih memilih dikomplain soal harga. Dibanding kalau dia dikomplain soal bahan.

Menjadi mualaf memberikan kesan berbeda. Menurutnya semenjak memakai hijab usahanya makin maju. Ia menyebut mendekatkan diri ke Tuhan merupakan cara. Salah satu cara ketika menghadapi kesulitan. Dia dulu pernah sempat depresi karena ditipu. Hingga dia mendekatkan diri ke Tuhan semua mulai membaik lagi.

Untung diraih, malang tidak dapat dihindari kata pepatah. Guna mengembangkan usaha. Dari sekedar punya satu toko menjelma menjadi tiga. Batik Trusmi belum berpuas berbenah. Hingga Sally memutuskan membeli satu pabrik bekas. Tujuannya ya buat memproduksi lebih banyak batik dibanding dulu.

Kebutuhan batik memang meningkat tajam. Masa tahun 2011 merupakan puncak kesadaran. Tidak cuma ia menawarkan ke pengoleksi batik kelas menengah atas. Tetapi mulai memasarkan ke orang menengah bawah yang lebih ke kebutuhan sandang. Mau membeli pabrik bekas, Sally malah ditolah si empunya berkali- kali.

Ia tidak patah semangat. Akhirnya dia membeli pabrik besarta mesin- mesinnya. Modal membeli pabrik itu pun tidak lepas dari pengorbanan besar. Ia menggadaikan rumah orang tua, kendaran pribadi, sampai ke rumah pribadi. Pabrik itu memiliki mitos, sudah banyak usaha gagal disana, mulai ban, kain, sampai mabel.

Sally dan Ibnu tidak peduli. Tekatnya kuat merubah pabrik bekas milik pengusaha Chinese asal Singapura itu. Dia sudah terbiasa menghadapi mitos, candanya. "Usaha itu harus berani melawan mitos. Mitos tahayul, mitos kalau anak broken home dan orang miskin enggak bisa sukses," kata Sally menggebu.

Pernah ditipu membuat usahanya hampir bangkrut. Ia pernah menyalahkan Tuhan. Menurutnya dulu Tuhan itu tidak menghargai usahanya. Pada saat itu, Sally menemukan jawaban, bahwa mereka ternyata kurang dari cukup memberi ke orang banyak. Bekerja sambil beramal moto keduanya kini 70% ibadah dan 30% nya bekerja.

Ibu dua anak tersebut kemudian membuka Yayasan Rizky Berlimpah Berkah. Yayasan tersebut sebagai satu penyaluran baginya atas nikmat Tuhan. Disisi lain dia juga membuka lebih banyak lapangan pekerjaan. Juga membagi ilmunya cuma- cuma, lewat banyak seminar, pengajian, pelatihan, dan pameran usaha.

Usahanya memberikan 850 orang pekerjaan sebagai karyawan. Lebih dari 500 pengrajin batik Cirebon ikut menjadi mitra binaan. Batik Trusmi makin laris dipasaran omzetnya mencapai 100 jutaan. Umurnya masih 26 tahun tetapi visinya masih luas buat membuka usaha. Kini kiosnya mencapai 1,5 hektar menjadi yang terluas di Indonesia.

Puluhan wisata datang mampi membeli batik. Meski cuma lulus SMA, dia memiliki gaji diatas mereka yang berijasah S-1 dan S-2. Ibu dari Faisal Annur dan Nayla Almahira ini tidak berprofit oriented. Maksudnya ia lebih memilih harga dinaikan biar kualitas terjaga. Tidak laku sudah menjadi hal biasa dalam perjalanan Sally.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Natural Thermal Bath Travel in Pacet, East Java, Indonesia

Travel Pacet Thermal Baths are located on the slopes of Mount Welirang, District Pacet Mojokerto regency of East Java.
Leeches known as a tourist resort in the mountains of Mojokerto regency is located ± 600 m above sea level. are easy to reach, either by private vehicle or public transportation.

Along the way to the location filled with natural scenery is equally beautiful. Range of hills, clear streams flowing and still beautiful virgin forests stretching to welcome tourists who want to enjoy the scenery around the location of tourism.

To get into the bath Hot Pacet location, the manager provides four different pools with different temperature levels ranging from swimming pools cold, medium, hot and very hot

Not far from the location of the hot springs Pacet, still in the same complex, there is also fishing pond and playground children named Ubalan. Here there are a variety of children's games such as swings, bath balls, water bikes, and others.

Thermal Baths Pacet Tourism is very fitting for a weekend getaway with your family


In a village in Sumatra, there lived a farmer. He was a farmer who diligently worked the farm, although not extensive. He could meet the needs of their work was tireless. Actually he became old enough to marry, but he still chose to live alone. In a sunny morning, the farmer river fishing. "Hopefully, today I got a big fish," the farmer muttered to myself. Some time after the hook is thrown, the hook looks rocking. He immediately pulled the hook. The farmer was cheered with joy after receiving a sizeable fish.

He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales. The fish scales yellow gold reddish. Both round and protruding eyes flashing amazing. "Wait, I do not eat it! I would be willing to accompany you if you do not eat. "Farmers are surprised to hear the voice of the fish. Due to his surprise, the fish they catch fell to the ground. Then not long, the fish was transformed into a beautiful young woman beautiful. "I dreaming?," Said the farmer.

"Do not worry sir, I'm also human like you. I am deeply indebted to you for saving me from the curse of the Gods, "the girl said. "My name is Princess, I do not mind to be your wife," said the girl as urgent. The farmer nodded. They then become husband and wife. However, there is one promise that has been agreed, that they should not tell the origin of a fish's daughter. If the promise is breached there will be a terrible disaster.

Having reached the village, the villagers saw the girl stirred beautiful girl with the farmers. "He might be an angel coming down from heaven," they murmured. Farmer felt very happy and peaceful. As a good husband, he continued to work to make a living by cultivating the fields and fields with a diligent and tenacious. Due diligence and tenacity, the peasants live without shortcomings in his life. Many people are jealous, and they spread the bad suspicion that could topple the success of farmers. "I know it must maintain Farmer spirits! "Someone said to her friend. It reached the ears of Farmer and Puteri. But they do not feel offended, even more diligent work.

A year later, the farmer and his wife happiness increases, because the farmer's wife gave birth to a baby boy. He was given the name of the Son. Happiness they do not make them forget themselves. Son grew into a strong and healthy child. He was a good boy but a little naughty. He has a habit of making parents wonder, which is always hungry. Foods that should be eaten three of them could eat themselves.

Eventually, the Son always annoy his father. If asked to help parents work, he always refused. Farmers wife always reminds farmers to be patient over their child behavior. "Yes, I will be patient, even though he was our son!" Farmer said to his wife. "Thankfully, my father thought that way. father was a good husband and father, "said daughter to her husband.

Indeed, they say, patience has limits. This is experienced by the farmers. One day, son get a job delivering food and drinks to the fields where his father was working. But the Son is not fulfilling its duties. Farmers await the arrival of his son, while holding thirsty and hungry. He went straight home. he saw the Son was playing ball. Farmers became angry as she pinched her ear. "Children do not know diuntung! Do not know myself! Basic fry!, "The farmer vituperation unwittingly uttered the taboo.

After the farmers he spoke those words, at once a child and his wife vanished. Without a trace and trail. Of former stamping his feet, suddenly very heavy menyemburlah water and get heavier. Farmers village and surrounding villages submerged by water. Overflow water is very high and wide to form a lake. And eventually form a lake. The lake was eventually known as Lake Toba. While a small island in the middle known as Samosir Island.

and to this day it became a tourist attraction in the region

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Mystery of tourism Lake Ranu Grati part 1

Ranu Grati Lake is one of the natural attractions Pasuruan regency, East Java, Indonesia, the vast 198 acres, Lake Ranu Grati 3 is located between the villages in the district Grati, the Village Sumberdawesari, Ranuklindungan Village, and the Village Gratitunon.

Location Ranu Grati lake located in the south not far from the northern coast road between sections Pasuruan - Probolinggo. Lake Ranu Grati until now been used by local people to earn money fishing, Lake Ranu Grati region (usually the west) are standing cages for catching fish.

What is interesting in this lake Ranu Grati, according to the story, that the lake Ranu Grati this, there was once a Dutch army troops carrying "equipment wear Amphibious Tank" to skip this Ranu lake, before they pass through the lake they had been warned by caretaker Lake for not going through it, because for anyone who tried to pass through the lake, will not be back, because the lake Ranu is there a big hole inverted cone-shaped "hourglass", but the dutch troops did not heed the warnings of the Watcher Lake , they pass through the lake and up to now there has never been able to find the Dutch army.

Around the year 2000, the government began to introduce tourist Pasuruan regency Danu Ranu, namely by organizing various activities and National level events, such as the level of competition Water Sports Java-Bali and so forth. Perhaps with these activities, the government hopes to introduce Pasuruan Tourism Lake Ranu is, the people of Indonesia.

if you want to visit Tourism Lake Ranu Grati this, you can take about 30 minutes from the town of Pasuruan and Probolinggo and 90 minutes if you depart from the tourist area of Mount Bromo.

unique Caves that can speak gamelan

In Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia there is a unique cave, cave wasps name.

As the name suggests, this cave has stalactites that can be beaten or beaten and wheezes, such as gamelan. Travelers can also enjoy music with songs from the gemelan sinden.

Cave is located in the hamlet wasp wasps, leafhoppers Village, District Punung, Pacitan, East Java. This cave is one of the important historical relics and the ancient human habitation for time immemorial, this cave is located about 40 km from Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia.

to go into the cave, you should use a small car for the road to be traversed is quite narrow and winding.

cave mouth as wide as 16 m on the slopes of karst fella is decorated with dozens of white limestone stalactites. It's a very beautiful natural heritage. The limestone issuing such sparkling white crystal gemstone.

Well, goes to the right rear end of the cave, you'll find answers to the relationship between the cave and the gamelan. There are gamelan players and sinden that sits neatly in there.

The gamelan players along sinden singer has been preparing to give treats Javanese music. The music will be performed on the visitors coming to the site.

Interestingly, this song will sinden sinden-accompanied music coming from the stalactite cave. Yes, when struck stalactites in the cave will issue sounds like gamelan music.

To listen to Jawa two to five songs, you have to pay Rp 100 thousand. Really attractive tourist spot and deserves to be visited by the tourists. Besides being able to know the history of the cave, you will also be entertained with typical Javanese gamelan music

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Brief legend of Mount Bromo in Indonesia

At long time, there is a beautiful woman incarnation of the god named Rara Anteng. at that time a lot of men who love the women. But Rara Anteng not interested in them except to Joko Seger.

This is where the story of the history of Mount Bromo at the start, before she married Joko Seger, there is a powerful villain named Kyai Bima who likes to Rara Anteng. But because Roro Anteng not like it, so he rejects it smooth with a precondition to the Kyai Bima, the condition is Kyai Bima should be able to make a mountain above the ocean in just one night, it's impossible waw.

And it turns out Kyai Bima menyanggupinya. With a vengeance, Kyai Bima make ocean with shells, sand and sea are now called immediately wedhi, as well as giant wells to irrigate the sea of ​​sand that is now called the crater of Mount Bromo. See Kyai Bima almost succeeded, Roro Anteng heart is not calm. So he sprang into action with a rice pounding as hard as possible so that the cock crowed, which means signifies that the morning had come. And it turns out these actions successful. Kokokan hear birds chirping chicken and make Kyai Bima gave up and left the job.

In the end Roro Anteng resumed relationship with Joko Seger. Then they create a region and lead the region, which until recently was called by the name of Tengger tribe.
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