Monday, 28 August 2017

Ditemukan Mayat di Daerah Kedungboto Pagak-Beji Yang Diduga Kuat Sebagai Korban Pembunuhan

Beji ( - Telah ditemukan jasad seorang laki-laki tergeletak berlumuran darah di daerah Kedungboto Kec. Beji, Kab. Pasuruan, pada Senin (28/08/2017). Dugaan sementara kasus tersebut adalah motif pembunuhan, hingga saat ini masih dalam penyelidikan pihak kepolisian.

Menurut keterangan warga sekitar, jasad laki-laki tersebut ditemukan pertama kali oleh Marsum, warga Pekoren Rembang, Pasuruan, sekitar pukul 06:00 WIB di daerah persawahan Kedungboto, Kec. Beji, Kab. Pasuruan. Pada waktu itu Marsum sedang berkendara dengan sepeda motornya dan hendak menjaring ikan di daerah persawahan tersebut.

Saat tiba di daerah persawahan tepatnya di lahan rerumputan dekat bangunan tua bekas sarang burung, pria yang kesehariannya bekerja sebagai buruh tani itu kaget, ketika melihat sosok jasad laki-laki yang tergeletak dengan posisi tengkurap dan berlumuran darah.

"Saksi kemudian turun dari motor dan mendekati jasad korban," tutur Kompol Herlina Wakapolres Pasuruan.

Kondisi jasad korban tergeletak dengan posisi tengkurap dan berlumuran darah dibagian leher, seperti terkena sayatan benda tajam, selain itu tubuh korban yang diperkirakan berusia enam puluh tahun ini juga dalam keadaan tidak mengenakan baju dan ada sebuah kaos yang terlihat sengaja diikat dibagian kaki korban.

Setelah itu Marsum dan warga sekitar melaporkan kasus tersebut kepada pihak kepolisian setempat.

Beberapa menit kemudian, tim identifikasi datang dan mengamankan lokasi kejadian serta melakukan identifikasi pada jasad korban.

Dugaan kuat jasad laki-laki tersebut merupakan korban pembunuhan, hingga saat ini pihak kepolisian masih menyelidiki dan mencari motif serta latar belakang kasus tersebut. Menurut informasi yang kami dapat sekitar pukul 11:00 WIB dari pihak kepolisian, korban bernama Sudarmaji (63) warga Dermo Kec. Bangil Kab. Pasuruan. (wb/wb)

Saturday, 26 August 2017

5 Great Tips Surprise will always be remembered with lovers

Starting from a whim that makes loved ones will feel special and will always be remembered. A precious moment for making or receiving a unique surprise. Sometimes a friend even missed a moment that not only when their day so special.

At a certain time they also want to feel became King and Queen of a day. It might sound funny. Exaggerating or whatever that answer. That surely they need at least one romantic and dramatic events that will be the lasting memories of their missing instead of course.

Here's a little cool tip that can take you to the happiness of the beloved person delivering invaluable
when their historic day once a year, among other things:

1. Create a video with background greenery, fresh, and beautiful.

Maybe three words that represent the meaning of the condition of the landscape that stretches behind this height. Make a video available open like this can bring up an aura of tranquillity for those who watched the footage of you, especially to people you deeply loved. Many variations of the angle of the place that you can use as a background for the video. For example in the lush greenery of the trees, at the height of the altitude of the Hill and so on. come on let’s try!

2. Congratulate the anniversary directly with a splashy style, this is the very moment eagerly awaited by a friend or a loved one is being a birthday.

Give proper greeting when 00.00 directly. Might be hard to do by some hard wake up middle of the night. However, when this is what could make the surprises will not be forgotten. Accompanied by the birthday song you as attractive as possible arrangement coupled with the sound of the guitar. It is so sweet. Give it a try!

3. Give a homemade gift. This way is best suited for you.

That means you like the work and enjoy it to make something that can be used or displayed. For example the beautiful brooch of flannel, edits photos and then printed and placed in the frame, knitting rings and more. Special surprises wrapped in with an incredible gift, of course. Happy work!

4. Decorative birthday cake as attractive as possible. 

This is the unique way to make it was fascinated with the creative hands of your ornament. If you are not able to garnish with a funny expression on top of a birthday cake, it could search for other alternatives on the internet. Assorted ornament a sweet complement to the birthday cake. For example using fresh fruit, white chocolate in the shape of a star or bears, marshmallows and others easy materials to find. Happy coding!

5. Invite him to outdoors place this is the moment of the most enjoyable and unforgettable. 

Picnic and explore. Always make it smiling, enjoying the cool scenery surrounding him.
Outdoor recommendations here among other things to the botanical gardens, to the tea garden, to the top of a hill or mountain and others.

Happy adventure! Well that's what a little enchanting tips to give a surprise to the people who make you feel one thing that is "Happy". For them also to feel what you are feeling and happy together in special moments, of course. Let's begin, make it perfect! (din/din).

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

The Disease Causing Polyps and How to treat it

Polyp ... What is it? It has often been heard right guys? ... or may also
there is nothing yet. OK, we just go ahead to issues hehehe.
Polyps are soft tissue, it is not painful and does not
cancerous. The polyps have a shape like a wine that depends
on the stem.

Up to this time not yet known with certainty
What are the causes that lead to diseases of the Polyps appeared.
The disease is itself a result of Polyp inflammatory tissue
the nasal passages or sinuses. This inflammation causes
inhibit the cells containing liquids on the walls of the respiratory tract
ultimately resulting in the polyps. But as to why inflammation
This happens is still unclear
There are several things that can cause an estimated occurrence
inflammatory or inflammation of the wall of the nasal passages. Inflammation
that occurs can be caused by allergies, bacterial infection, viruses, or
any fungus.

The presence of abnormalities in the immune system that attack
the nasal tissues can also cause the onset of swelling.
Hereditary factors also affect the appearance of the nasal polyps.
If one of the parents suffer from nasal polyps, then you
higher risk for polyps are affected. In addition, disorders of
the nerves around the nose can also interfere with the fluid to flow
so that cause inflammation.

Nasal polyps can happen to anyone, but the more common overrides
teens to adults. Polyps are most often occur in the sinus in
around the eyes, nose and cheekbones.
The following are some factors that can increase the risk of
You experience nasal polyps:
  • 1. Allergic rhinitis
  • Allergic to the material such as dust and fur animals
  • cause symptoms resembling colds.
  • 2. Asthma
  • Diseases that cause the occurrence of inflammation and constriction
  • on the Airways.
  • 3. Allergic fungal Sinusitis 
  • Allergy to mold in the air.
  • 4. Intolerance towards aspirin
  • This condition is allegedly associated with the growth of polyps nose. People
  • who are allergic to aspirin has a tendency to allergies
  • anti inflammatory drugs of non-steroid (OAINS) other too.
  • 5. Cystic Fibrosis
  • Genetic abnormalities when the body produces a thick fluid and
  • overkill on the digestive system and the respiratory, including nasal secretions
  • condensed from the nasal and sinus membranes as well.
Churg Strauss Syndrome. This condition causes inflammation of
the blood vessels. Almost all sufferers Churg Strauss Syndrome
will experience asthma and/or allergic rhinitis.

Treatment Of Polyps

The treatment of nasal polyps can be done with the use of medicinal drugs.
If the size of polyps nose too big or polyps that exist
can not be cured with drugs, then the operation will

·           Treatment Using Antihistamines
Antihistamines may be less successful in overcoming the nasal polyps
that is the case. But the doctor, usually recommend this drug for
help control allergies that occur. In addition, recipes
antibiotics can also be given to addressing the primary infection
causes of nasal polyps. Dispensing is done before
start the consumption of corticosteroids.

·            Corticosteroids to reduce Inflammation
To reduce inflammation and also shrink the polyp
There, the doctor will prescribe corticosteroids. This drug can also
remove entirely the existing polyps. There are four types of
corticosteroids can be given in patients of polyps, among other drugs
drops, spray, injection, and oral.

For handling the first polyp, usually will be given
corticosteroid drops or spray form. If treatment drops
as well as the spray has not been successful, doctors will suggest
the giving of oral corticosteroids.

Oral corticosteroids can be consumed separately or
combined with drug spray or drops. This medicine is not
recommended for long-term consumption because of the possibility of
can cause side effects such as osteoporosis, hypertension,
and diabetes. On the condition of the already severe nasal polyps,
corticosteroid injection will be recommended.

Several conditions can cause a back formation of polyps,
for example, asthma, allergic rhinitis, or sinus infections. If nasal polyps
reappear, perhaps you need to be taking corticosteroids
spray with a daily dose to prevent it.

·           Surgical Removal Of Nasal Polyps
Sometimes polyps can grow into a very large and
disturbing. Or nasal polyps can cause the occurrence of
disorders of apnea sleep. In this condition, the drug usually corticosteroids
not enough help. Endoscopic surgical procedure may need to be
done to remove polyps that appear. In addition, the procedure
It can also be used to fix problems on sinuses
often cause inflammation. (wb/wb)
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